...and an excuse for being so rubbish at keeping in touch.
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the six and a half weeks excuse
the eight weeks excuse
the twelve weeks excuse.
The email you may have received is as follows... if you haven't it means we have missed you off the list because we have an out-of-date email address, we lost it when our old computer died, or the text message we sent never arrived [a common occurence, it would seem]. It doesn't mean we don't love or miss you! We do. Lots.
Family, friends both near and [very] far,
Firstly, apologies to most of you for the appalling lack of communication from our end. As you will read, we’ve been a little preoccupied.
I can’t actually believe I am using these words but … Ian & Claudine are hysterically pleased [relieved] to announce that we are expecting an addition to our family. Yes, we are pregnant!
Twelve weeks in fact. We had our 12 week scan yesterday and to say it was emotional experience would be a screaming understatement. We could not really let ourselves believe it was all happening until, the moment yesterday, when we saw our baby on the screen, happily lolling about, waving arms and looking right at home. Everything is where it should be and hearing that little heartbeat was one of the best sounds I have ever heard.
We are due on June 12 – but who ever gives birth on their due date – so it will be a long hot [fat] Melbourne summer for me! I have suffered ‘afternoon sickness’ which my friend Anita says is due to the baby being half-English and therefore operating on GMT. I think she may be right.
Apologies to those of you we have not contacted in months. Please know that despite our silence, we think of you all often and miss you all terribly. Given the timing of all this we will most likely not be heading back to the UK before the baby is born but we hope to take Baby Berry ‘home’ to England often in the years to come. Much love
Claudine & Ian
Congrats guys. He/she looks gorgeous already!
Hmmm, choosing names, picking out newborn clothes/changing tables/cots/various other baby furniture which you have no idea where to fit in your home, deciding whether to go disposable or cloth (how are your nappy changing skills by the way - feel free to have some practice on harry ;) peeing on the hour every hour, baby slings or bouncer, getting nervous seeing a breast pump, trying to remember close friend's names & pin numbers (baby brain), having overwhelming need to rearrange home and linen closet 12x's a week, buying their first teddy bear, getting teary at the size of 0000 socks, having an alien move from one side of your stomach to the other at 3am, feeling overwhelming joy and sh*t scared at the same time - wow and that's all in the next few months.
You guys will have the time of your life and I pray that your family will be continually filled with love and laughter. Love you guys and I am so happy for you both.
Great to see the scans - the last one is in amazing detail - you must have superior equipment over there! Hope all goes really smoothly and that the evening sickness is just a memory by now.
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