Thursday, November 24, 2005

Wednesday November 23, 2005

That's us at the Elbow gig!

Up until about 45 minutes ago today was the mother of all bad days.

What happend 45 minutes ago? I hear you ask. Well, Ian has noted in his inimitable way how the arrival of a lowly enveloped (sticky taped closed no less) can change your life. At least make it a heck of a lot simpler.

It was only after his call did I realise just how much it was weighing on my mind. That is the difference between Ian and I. I will gleefully get on with it all, refusing to believe that it could all go horribly wrong and internalise it all emotionally. Ian, on the other hand, will think the worst, not give heed to the possibility that it might actually NOT go horribly wrong then be elated beyond words when it all comes together. Somehow I think he got the better deal. Bastard.

Last night I was supposed to bake a cake. I was also supposed to attend a hospital appointment but the less said about that the better. My evening got slightly rearranged as I got stuck at work longer than I intended, the traffic was abysmal (nothing new there then) and I got waylaid in Sainsburys waiting for a taxi that never came because every bloody Manchester United fan in the world was trying to get to Old Trafford. By taxi! My taxi!!

So I got home afte 7pm, dropped the cake making supplies in the kitchen, cooked a quick tea and stared at the telly mutely until Ian got home just before 10pm. Bit of a waste really but I am feeling a little frazzled. Now there is a screaming understatement.

I slept through my alarm this morning for almost an hour and dreamt I was desperately late for an appointment. I rushed around trying to find someone to drive me there and it was all so fraught and rushed and the incessant classical music playing did not help at all. It was only when I woke up from my mad dream did I realise the music was Classic FM (which is not soothing in the lease despite what people say) and it was almost 8am. Bollocks.

Amazing how fast you can get ready when you need to.

Nothing of note at work other than I wandered around the shops with a colleague looking for a silver shirt. Don't ask.

Snow is forecast either tomorrow or Monday which should bring everything to a screeching halt. Amazing what havoc a few little snowflakes can wreck on a country.

We are off to see Elbow at the Apollo tonight - am looking forward to it tired as I am.

Anita and self-imposed an email ban after yesterday's ridiculousness however, like you, I could not wait to hear what became of the lady with the lippy. You ready?

From: Claudine
Sent: 22 November 2005 17:39
To: Anita

Oh my God her friends squealed. So it is true what she said. She is an astronaut!

From: Anita
Sent: 23 November 2005 16:17
To: Claudine

She had a mad affair with a beautiful spaceman who looked a lot like Strider from Lord of the Rings - she had only left earth for 3 minutes but was in space with him for 3 years. It was beautiful. She never told anyone about it. But looking up at the stars at night she sometimes wondered what he was up to.

Oh yes, and she still bought the same lippy that the spaceman loved !

Methinks we should end that little saga here don't you?


Blogger Stephen Said said...

My what a big nose you have.

Friday, 02 December, 2005  

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