...born via Caesarean Section at 8.14AM at Mercy Hospital, Melbourne this morning, following 13 hours intensive labour and 12 hours pre-labour preceding that...
Mum, dad and bub are all utterly exhausted but doing well.
Weighing in at a healthy 10lbs 8ozs [4.74 kilos], 53cm tall and head circumference of [ouch!] 39cm. Joe [not Joseph] is blue-eyed, with dark curly hair and an instant taste for the boob: clearly a product of his father's genes, though physically does paradoxically resemble his mother rather more than his dad.
They aren't currently accepting any visitors given the recentness and intensity of the event, but will probably have daytime open house on discharge from hospital, at a time to be announced...
Dad is currently stunned, feels jet-lagged and overwhelmed at the fruit of his loins. Not only has he now got a son, he's become both a parent
and father. Mum is also reportedly dazed and confused, though the vast amounts of prescribed medication may also be a contributory factor.
More news and pics as things progress. Well, hopefully!
Links to more pictures