Monday, July 10, 2006

Update No. 3 - Social stuff

There are hardly any vegetables in the vegetable crisper these days because I'm not cooking much. I still can not get into that routine most of my friends seem to be in where they go to the Victoria Market on a Saturday to get their veggies, cheese and seafood. During the week they'll top up at the supermarket and always have store cupboard items to hand to knock up a healthy, scrumptious meal.

Not sure what is going wrong other than we eat out loads more than we ever did in Manchester. A combination of great places to eat outside our door, cheap, cheap bloody cheap meals and utter laziness on my part when it comes to the cooking.

In an effort to rememdy this I'm sure, my sister sent me a link to a website that sells kitcheny, housey stuff at knock down prices. I recently bought a Le Crueset baking dish, a Circulon French Skillet and a Circulon saucepan for just over $100. Now if your maths is good you will have calculated that amount into pounds and realised that is around £43 - in any country that is cheap.

I then bought a lovely Emile Henry [not to be confused with Emile Heskey - further comments removed following legal advice - Ian] salt pig and a gorgeous red enamel milk pan and an oil drizzler and God I could go on. All of it in an effort to spend more time in the kitchen but I'm out of practice and out of synch with the rest of the wives in the world. I just can not seem to get my act together. Any tips welcome!

Anyway, this was a social update. Well, we went to the movies the weekend before last and saw Wah Wah which we both enjoyed. I suspect because the humour was so very British as was the entire cast. It helps with the home sickness, trust me.

As I mentioned above, we eat out at the lovely Vietnamese and Thai restaurants that are literally down the road from us. However a little favorite for eating in (you have to book weeks ahead otherwise you only get a seat at the bar) and for take out is Ladro on Gertrude Street. It is stupidly expensive for a pizza but if Ian will part with $19 for a mushroom pizza you know it has to be sublime.

On Saturday just gone we went to a cocktail party a colleague of Ian's threw at her home. I only realised as we were walking down her street that it was to celebrate her birthday however Ian didn't think it mattered that we didn't even have a card! Men. So we took some beer and a bottle of nice red wine for me. Needless to say the red wine remained undrunk (lets face it, unopened) while I played in the kitchen with the hostess and her lovely sidekick and made copious cocktails, sampling each and sensing a little too late in the night that I should have eaten more and drunk less. I paid for my oversight for most of Sunday. But gosh it was fun!

The best part of the night were the moments where I got collared by Ian's work mates who were constantly speaking highly of him. They already love him to bits and were vocal in their appreciation of his skill, his manner and the calm that pervades when he is in charge of a shift. I had to pinch myself at this point for hearing the words calm and Ian in the same sentence was laughable but apparently it is true! His explains to me that the appearance of calm is akin to a duck gliding across a pond, all well if you look from the shore. However, if you look beneath the surface of the pond you would see that ducks little legs kicking frantically and desperately in an effort to keep moving.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Claudy
So glad to hear that you are settling into the Melbournian lifestyle. We definitely have to get together next time Joel and i are downunder!

Friday, 14 July, 2006  
Blogger claudy said...

Hey gorgeous!

Lovely to hear from you!! How's Seattle? I was fossicking through some old papers and photos the other day and found a lovely note from you and Joel thanking me for attending your wedding AND, I found a wedding photo! How lovely and YOUNG you both look!

Yes, we must get together next time you guys are down. When would that be then?

Claud x

Monday, 17 July, 2006  

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